
20090418 RastFest@Slunj

I was to go to Slunj with Stips. Slunj is nice city which hosted RastFest, festival of rafting & music for 3 days.

In the morning I arrived to railway station in Zagreb. Weather was nice. Meeting with Stips was half an hour later therefore I decided to sit on the bench and relax in the sun. I was kind of meditating with my eyes half-opened. Some guy passing by stopped and started conversation. Am I meditating? Am I talking to Jesus Christ? Am I budhist? Church is bad, Jesus is cool. Now he was going to book a night in the hostel and following day he was suppouse to go to Ljubljana and then Praha. He invited me for a cup of coffee but I refused since I had a meeting with my friend at the bus station. He wanted me to tell him more about meditation and some other related and unrelated stuff.

Stips was late for few minutes, we had to catch bus 2 hours later. We went for a coffee to Limb, hoping to meet Borna as well, but he was to wasted and too asleep.

We arrived to Slunj and went down to Rastoke. City is very nice with lots of beautiful waterfalls. Rafting cup was already going, we watched the competition for a while. Kotic didn't answer the phone. Few hours later he called. Said that he lost his mobile phones only to find one of them later and phoned me back.

In meantime, we went to a camping site. Rain started, we went under the bridge for the cover where we met some people. We talked and hanged around. Suddenly, one woman started to touch other woman's breasts. Soon we discovered she was checking out the quality of plastic surgery. We wanted to try it as well so we did. I appreciate the gesture, really wanted to feel it, but I must say I didn't feel the thrill when I touched them. Didn't feel anything special at all which was a bit surprising actually. Still, I was very curious.

Finally we met my friend, Kotic. Haven't seen him for years. He provided us with a bed and food. Night before he had a fight with some rude guys from security who were pushing his girlfriend. In the evening we went for a concert and managed to get in for free. Main stars, TBF and Dubioza kolektiv were quite late with its show so other guys had to feel in extra time. Is that really necessary? After the concert we went to other hall where some DJs were playing.

Following day we mainly chated with the host family and other friend who was also there as a guest. It was nice weekend.
From 20090418 RastFest Slunj


20090416 spiritual workshops

Last week I've been on 2 presentations/workshops:
  • presentation of Divine energy park
  • presentation on sound therapy
Presentation of Divine energy park

Day before presentation I saw a poster about it and decided to check it out. Presentation lasted for about an hour. There were few people from this organisation. They were introducing me to their concept and we did 2 breathing exercises. I was the only participant actualy :)

I support what they were saying at the presentation. Most of the stuff I've heard before. People from this society are very pleasant to speak to and it is nice to be in their presence. They shine positive energy and look happy.

I've learned new technique of breathing. One breathes with only one nostril. According to the theory, each nostril is connected with certain mind process (and other stuff). It's good to activate both nostrils. In the exercise, one blocks one nostril. Inhales with one nostril, than blocks that nostril and opens another one. Then you exhale and inhale with the same nostril. Then you change again.

This society provides introducing course which costs more than 150 €. They seem like really nice people to hang around, one day I'll attend the course. As for now, this money will be spent on other non-spiritual stuff.

Presentation on sound therapy

Presentation was held by Svemir Vranko.
There were many interesting things to learn about, hear and experience. Here are some of them.

Tibetan bong produced incredible sound. One hit makes very long sound. Bong represents solar system. Each sound is connected to one of the planets. Does interesting relaxing sensation.

Health analysis can be done through sound (not just healing) as well. Short presentation was held. "Doctor" produces interesting sound directed to a person. As he scans certain parts of body, doctor changes frequency of sound produced. Upper body gets higher frequency. If I remember correctly, doctor used his hands to reflect sound (or it was used in another exercise).

Didgeridoo was used on few occasions. I'm really gaining more and more interest into this subject. After the presentation I tried to play it. I can see it will be a long training and I'd like to do it. I'll start with PVC didge.

There were few exercises used to give special "healing" to one person. Of course, everybody was affected at least a bit. First one was presentation of techniques used by Aborigine to enter the Dreamtime. Person was lying relaxed on the floor. Few didgeridoo players were playing didjeridoos, most of the time are from this instrument was directed to their body. On the other exercise person was also lying on the floor. This person needed to chose something which he/she wanted to improve in their life. We were singing the name of this person in various ways, whatever we wanted. It was mostly in smaller pace. There were many of us, so we produces really interesting sensation which could at least boost creativity. In all this exercises people were like in trance after the exercise ended. Out of their mind, or to say better, out of their body. Most of them needed some time to come back to reality. Everybody was very happy with the whole experience. I think it would look very weird for most of the people if they would happen to see something like this on TV or through the glass of the window. If you do, watch the session until the end at least. I recommend everybody to experience this. There will be other workshops.

Throat singing
was also presented. Very interesting technique, also something I would like to learn more about. I've heard for the first time about this few years ago from a friend from Russia. She was talking about singing in state Tuva (link).

I want to stress that this workshop was really great and I'm planning to go to the next one which will again be organised by Svemir Vranko. Svemir means universe in Croatian, interesting name.


20090407 movies@MM centar

Wau, again, great movie there was in MM center. Truly great movies for free. I like going there. This time there were 3 of us (actualy few more but they were late & soon left the place). I'm going again on Thursday and Friday. Whoever likes movies & spends time in Zagreb, I would recommend going there when you catch an event.

Today we (by chance I met 2 friends) watched Fitzcarraldo. Nice movie about man trying to achieve an unusal dream. Main character was Klaus Kinski, both interesting actor & character. I'd like to watch it again concentrating only on him :)

Something interesting happened today as well. I was planning to watch "Blow-up" today. In the morning I was watching TV while having a breakfast and some photographer on TV recommended watching it. I like geting positive replies on my thoughts or some answers like this. Doesn't happen that often, but I like when it does. Interesting coincidence at least.


20090406 TV appereance

It's been a while since my last TV appearance. I believe it was on Danish TV.

This time I've been invited to national TV in Croatia to be a guest in "Briljanteen", popular show for young people. Topic was volunteering on international voluntary camps.

I was very excited. Didn't say all that I wanted. It just suddenly ended. My heart was beating really hard, I hope they didn't hear it on TV, since microphone was attached on my chest. I like this feelings of excitement.

There was also a problem with smiling. I felt like laughing all the time and had troubles with resisting to it. Hope I didn't appear too stupid. Ah, yeah, almost forgot to say that I was wearing make-up, yeah!


gift of birth

When I'm unhappy, I'm trying to solve my problems looking from rational views. Here are some thoughts on receiving and birth, which I was using to make myself feel better.

I was born naked. At that moment, didn't have that much in my life. From that moment on, I started to receive presents. First I got some clothes. Then I get some food & drinks. Later I got toys. People were teaching me how to speak, eat, walk,... I ate my food. Some of that made me bigger. Some of the clothes I couldn't use any more. Some of the toys I broke, some of them remained.

No matter what, I began my life naked (and empty, in a way). Until now I lost & received some stuff. But compare to the moment of birth, I'm still in a gain. I should be happy, since I have more than what I used to have. Because I get more than I loose, I should concentrate more on what I get and less on what I loose.

Of course, even before I was born, I was receiving. While I was in my mother's womb, I was getting warm, food, drinks, O2, love, ... I could go even further...

Life is an opportunity to develop yourself and gain.