I forgot to mention interesting problem. Seulki (South Korea) lost her luggage. Actually, not her, Air France did that. I think something like 5 days passed when she finally got it. Additional problem was that we were on a constant move so we didn't have a permanent address to deliver the bags :)
Next stop was...
When we all met at the train station, camp leaders told us that editor of "Politiken" didn't like our articles that much. It was a small crisis. We talked about that. Later they told us that it was misunderstanding, everything is ok. Perhaps to cheer us up, or it was true, I didn't actually want to know :) That day I started working with Ramya on an article about Danish drivers. The next day we produced great article, the one which I like the most. Some people seemed to like it as well.
On the train station, a new participant joined us. It was Elena from Russia, coming from a town 500km south of Moscow: Voronyezh. I remember first time seeing her, she felt so happy and smiled every few seconds. I could notice her excitement, looking at her body swinging (with a backpack) and her fingers which were moving fast like when you type on a computer. She actually hitchhiked from Moscow, you can try to imagine her satisfaction coming to the spot where she could join us. I think I was observing her from the beginning to the end of the project, mainly trying to learn something from her and enjoy her presence.
I felt funny, imagine, we have to hitchhike to the next city and than comparing our distance for today and her distance from Moscow to Denmark. Hm... :)
Girls knocked on the doors to find accommodation. Silvia found an old lady who offered to be a host. She turned out to be a mother of a librarian who she met in Kobenhavn. Small world, some would say...
Calisto, Jorge (Nikaragua) and me had an accommodation near the center of the city. Our host met us on the way to his home. We left bags and had sightseeing with him.
Fredericia had an important part in history. It was military city, a strong base. We visited the channel and saw the tower.
On the picture you see drunk man laying on the grass. Some Danes consume alcohol quite a lot!
Later we had long chats with our hosts. Listened to Elvis, talked about many stuff. Our host is a big fan of royal family, has a lot of pictures along with few pictures of his mother and grandmother. Martin, our host, offered us his bad in his bedroom and 1 of us had to sleep on the floor then. 3 of us, the participants, started to actually fight whom would sleep on the floor. I suppose we felt homophobic surrounded only by man. The bad wasn't big either. So I got an idea. I offered Martin to sleep on his bad since he's much older than we and we don't want to discomfort him. So we slept on the floor, everybody wins :)
Next day we walked to the military base. We learned something about military in Denmark. For example, they like to recruit foreigners since they know a foreign language and they can help in communications... :) Also, if you are a member of an army, you aren't allowed to be a porno star, even during your free days. That's a reason why one female private got expelled from the army.
We went to the official military polygon. Had a good exercise there, and a lot of fun, as well. Interesting course. Jorge won me on the course. I'm in a pretty bad shape, although I had a good technique. When I returned from Denmark I started jogging so I can win next time. :)
Next we had a lunch at the base. It was awesome. I could eat as much as I can, which was really a nice gesture. At those times, I was in my phase of eating a lot. Now I'm more on a diet.
We went hitchhiking again. It turned out to be quite difficult. In the city few cars were stooping, but only to enter the houses around us :( We went further and got a ride near the entrance of the highway were Ramya&me met Calisto&Jorge already hitchhiking for an hour.
It was hard but I kept my motivation high. I could say that Jorge wasn't satisfied that Calisto was sleeping all the road most of the time :) The time was passing and we experimented with different methods:
After few hours, a car stoped and picked Jorge&Calisto. They came only to Kolding (took a train later with Simeone&somebody). Suddenly, traffic got extremely low. It was late, sun was setting. We got a ride, after all, until some gas station. There we found some girls going to a town south of Esbjerg, and Esbjerg was our final destination. But while we talked to them in the car, they got distracted by our genius communication skills so they missed a turn on the highway and actually went directly to Esbjerg. Marvelous victory and well deserved ride, I would say, after a tough hitchhiking which everybody from the southern group remembered pretty well.
...west coast
Everybody got late to Esbjerg. Majority of our group stayed at the same home of some wealthy people, although originally it was meant for only 2, they were generous.
...going south
Next day we had to go to Christiansfeld. I had a really hard hitchhiking and didn't manage to get there on time. I was demotivated for sometime during the rain falling on the highway. We were unlucky a bit. So we went directly further to our host in Haderslev. A single guy again. I missed having more fun with hosts.
In the morning, Colette&me hurried up at came to the next city pretty fast. There was a chance to explore the castle, museum and the city itself.
At Helle's mother we had a lunch and met the whole group.
Then we went toward the farm were Helle's father lives. There was evaluation of the half of the project.
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