It's getting harder to use English since we are more on the south, closer to Deutschland. There areas were sometimes ruled by Deutschland and people seem to speak Deutsch more than English.
Our destination was the farm near Varnaes. We got a nice ride:
We arrived, left our bags and went to the farm were we meet the others from the group. There we had our beer, aaah....
Calisto had a video-camera through the whole event. Sometimes he was recording. You can see him exploring the wonders of the nature on the picture above.
Again we had an excellent dinner. Helle's father was a chief cook, after all. Half-evaluation was interesting. We gave a lot of good inputs and a high mark in general. From my perspective the greatest problem was that we've been changing the cities everyday. It was very exhausting, being always on the road and not being able to explore more of the city and meet more people to get to know them and bring the word of our project. Lots of "and", I know :)
Party started. We had a lot of games, some beer & wine, many smiles... One of the games was introduced by Calisto:
It was something like, 2 people playing, looking each other in the eyes, when somebody blinks or smiles, he/she looses. The rules were changing all the time. But we had good fun in the end. I was undefeated :)
Late in the night, we got our final participant: Sergiy(Kiev). We all slept in 1 room, it was fun, few jokes came out. Somebody was listening to Elvis very loud through the night.
Here is the map of the places I've been:
map for the 1st part
Silvia was again my partner. We decided to go with a ferry and not use a highway to the north.
Odense is very nice city, small, simple, with nice details. Along the streets you find many figures of the characters from H.C.Andersen's stories:
There we finally met our camera team: Pia & Anders. Silvia&me arrived first and met them to have the first contact. This team followed the whole project and will use the recordings to make a film which will be distributed to schools.
Half of our group slept at Ra's place. Ra lives in the famous ghetto eastern Odense. He does many projects which help immigrants to enter the society in a good way and help solving problems which raise out in ghetto. And he seems to be very successful about it. We listened to many stories about his view of Denmark & Danish mentality. Sometimes he's extreme and probably he should be like that to make the world better. It was fun, but also exhausting after few hours. In the evening we visited a youth club. Many immigrants come there to hang out, spend their time in good company, play pool, computers,... go on trips... And finally stay out of the streets, skip the criminal. Next day we visited church in the neighborhood which accepts all the people (from all the religions) in their community. They organise many other stuff, not just religious ceremonies and accept all the people in this projects/events. It was something special, not all churches wanted to do that. It was very good environment for people living there.
I give you 2 more pictures from this post:
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