I got a plant for my birthday. And it's really cool one!
During the summer I broke my pinhole glasses. Actually, at the beginning I broke only one side which goes around the left ear. While in Denmark I demolished the frame of the glasses completely. What is left are only the each glass so I used some metal wire to connect them and a small knot to fix them around the head. Last week metal wire got broke which made me frustrated. It was one of those days with a lot of small iritating things. Now I improved it, making it much more resistant :)
So it's kind of a good thing that I destroyed them completely (altough I felt frustrated when it happened on film festival), now they are much more convient to carry and much more resistend. Yeah!
On few occasions I tested basic laughter yoga technique. It seems to work but no one wanted to join the club since people usually say they have enough of laughing. At least they laughed during the test which gives me motivation :)
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