accommodation at the end of the project was in
Christiania. City in a city. It's very interesting and beautiful place. It gives you a special sense of freedom in this world. Check out
wikipedia for more details.

We were all together again. The whole team, north & south united, sleeping in one room:

I chose to sleep on the table. The floor wasn't so clean and I like to be different, as well. Some people were afraid for me not to fall down. I was wondering will they fall down out of their sleeping bags as well :)
We had to walk half an hour to the showers in the morning. And few minutes to the toilet...

When we arrived, lady who provided us with the
accommodation gave us a brief introduction to this society. You're not
supposed to run here since it's a signal that police has entered the area. Well, you an easily buy hashish/
marijuana there and they are pretty famous for that. Any other drug is very unwelcome here! Also, when you start living here and get your place, you live there until you die (or do something
extremely stupid). Then somebody from the long list of people who want to live there gets a chance to move in. You should start with the work here in the community to increase your chance of being picked up. And there are lots of jobs, like producing ecological food.
All the decision are being made in consensus by the whole community. Sometimes democratic voting is required.
In the evening we visited nice parties and met a lot of friendly people. There are few bars there and everybody is happy, dancing and welcoming you. Such a warm atmosphere. We mostly visited a bar where you can listen to rock, Bob Marley,... They are some
afterparties as well, we visited one in the open. It is good to mention that
Christiania is surrounded by the
channels, so it's quite interesting to visit the beach as well and enjoy peace, alone or with your friends.
One evening we were invited for a dinner. Our hosts were living together in a collective, but not many houses, only one big house. Dinner was superb again. We had a nice fire there in the evening and chat. Hosts were
actually our fans and they invited to so they can meet us. They followed our journey through media, mainly by newspapers "

We returned to our place in Christiana. In the metro I made a short film:
MS organised trade fair festival while we were in
Kobenhavn and we visited it:

There was some good music. And beer. And friends. And fun. And my friend from
Kobenhavn who read about me in the news so she contacted me and we met :)
While walking around to the festival, to the bar-b-
que, we sometimes see interesting stuff like:

The last one was in front of the stage on a concert somewhere in the city, near a channel.
Gay parade was this days:

During the day we walked around and explored. Like Botanical garden:

We had a farewell party. It was in a nice
apartment. Music system had a protection. If you would put the music too loud for few seconds, it would shut down. You can see it on the video. "Can't touch this" was played 5 (or more) times, because it was always too loud.
We played some games, like a bottle game:
And again we had a dinner at an
apartment with some "
Servas" people who wanted to meet us.
The projected ended.
Although I never actually felt it. And I was true. Even few days later we were again called to meet some media. I accept it if they provide us with lunch :)
People went home or to a hostel. Except for few of us. More about it in the next post...
Here are some pictures of this great team: